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10 latest goTests taken by Beatific

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Beatific tell about them.

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Title Result  
What Hogwartz House are you in? You are in Slytherin! You are cunning, ambitious, resourceful and a leader. You want to succeed, and you'll stop at nothing to get what you want. You defend your own and are loayal to your own kind, as long as they dont betray you. › Take goTest
Are you born to be a moderator? YOU ARE BORN FOR THE JOB<3 › Take goTest
Can I guess your zodiac element? Congratulations, you are the earth element! You are grounded and reliable. When someone needs advice or a helping hand, they usually come to you. You're very caring but only a few really close to you. › Take goTest
are we alike? pretty similar!!! › Take goTest
goTests created by Beatific