10 latest goTests taken by Pammie

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by Pammie tell about her.

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Title Result  
What kind of food are you? You are a sprout, a bit bitter, but if you put some spices on it, it would be so good !! › Take goTest
How dutch are you? You know your internetgekkies, aka your the dutchest of the dutch pls send me a friendrequest › Take goTest
What kind of person am I? You are a person who will most likely be a little quiet at first. You won't show your real emotions, unless you trust someone completely. You are very helpful to others and you will always want to learn new things. You want live life to its fullest › Take goTest
Harry potter Gryffindor › Take goTest
would you make me uncomfortable? You make me a bit uncomfortable, but not necessarily in a bad way. You vibe might not be negative but you are a strong personality, and that's intimidating. › Take goTest
goTests created by Pammie
Title Description  
› Are you gen Z or a milennial? LEts find out › Take goTest
› Hoe gay ben jij? test je gay › Take goTest