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10 latest goTests taken by Selina

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Title Result  
I decide your dinner Cook yourself something fun, like vodka pasta, lasagna, gnocchi, casserole :) › Take goTest
F marry kill : male celebrities You're basic, but cute. Smile to the world mrs.Styles › Take goTest
Are you born to be a moderator? Maybe just go chill?? I know I will now<3 › Take goTest
Which Moomin Character Are You? You are THE WITCH! You look quite scary and youve got some powerful magic in your possession! But at heart youre a harmless old lady, despite the strong dislikes you might feel for some people. › Take goTest
do you have hemorrhoids? you have hemorrhoids › Take goTest
Never have I ever.. GSM-edition  Wow, you're a little badass! Karma is a b**** you know ! › Take goTest
Test your written English  A+ you did very well bestie, slay! › Take goTest
how well do u know Martine? u know me mamassss, loveya<3 100% › Take goTest
goTests created by Selina