10 latest goTests taken by StellaNutella

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by StellaNutella tell about her.

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Title Result  
Which of my cats do you remind me of? You Are like Erika. At bit grumpy at times, but smart and loyal. Only the best is ever good enough and you deserve it! › Take goTest
How addicted are you with gsm? You have for sure a gsm addiction! You spend hours and hours a day on gsm. You don't want to put gsm down. You like it the much, nothing wrong with this. But maybe spend some time in to something else. But hey join the club, i have the same issue!XD › Take goTest
Which Hunger Games character are you? You are Peeta Mellark! You are a caring person, always ready to help your friends and family. People should be glad to have you in their lives! › Take goTest
Year 2022: How much do you know?? Giiiirl, you did well! I hope your 2023 will be just as amazing as you are!! › Take goTest
goTests created by StellaNutella