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10 latest goTests taken by jjennifer

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by jjennifer tell about her.

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Title Result  
What one piece character are you? You're ''god'' Usopp! Despite always running away, I know that deep down you're very brave :) › Take goTest
What color are you? You are GREEN! › Take goTest
Can you survive the night? You died in the bathroom › Take goTest
veronica's friend test! we should be besties for life!!! hmu!!! › Take goTest
Gen Z, Millenial or Boomer? You'redefinintely a Millenial! You saw technology evolve to what it is now, but still struggle to make a phonecall (i feel ya)! Tho you're cruising your way through adulthood now, you can't help but get inspired by Gen Z trends once in while! › Take goTest
Would we be friends irl? Yes! We would be so good friends. Add me as a friend if you want! › Take goTest
Would we vibe irl? 100% match. Absolutely, you seem like a super fun person! We would definitely vibe IRL, feel free to send me a friend request with your results <3 <3 › Take goTest
are u fucking annoying? oki smart *** you are not that annoying › Take goTest
Would Pirjo be your friend? You two are already besties!!! You love Pirjo and it shows. <3 Thank you for being such a good friend. Pirjo wishes you a LEEK › Take goTest
goTests created by jjennifer