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10 latest goTests taken by NiteXshade

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by NiteXshade tell about her.

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Title Result  
Back to School: What type of student are you? You're a Nerd! You love learning new things and solving problems, and you pay attention to details. You enjoy, and may even prefer, your quiet alone time. But as a friend you're loyal and supportive, even though you might be a bit shy at first. › Take goTest
Are you like Inspired? Oh yes! We are super alike, hit me up so i can befriend you!<3 › Take goTest
Are you like Lokahh? We are so alike!!<3 TWINNNN %  › Take goTest
Discover your Katy Perry Match goTest

The Katy Perry song that matches your personality is... Hot 'N Cold


Almost fifteen years later, this song is still a vibe. You are edgy and bold, and we love you for it. 

› Take goTest
Who is your best friend: goNelly, goAlex or goJulia? Your bestie is Julia - the eternal romantic, who's favorite hobby is shopping! › Take goTest
PERSONALITY TEST BUT the questions are VERY specific Here are your stats: You're easy going but anxious. You spend a lot of time questioning your own goals, but try to make things stable for yourself. You always feel like something is a bit off. You enjoy metal music. If you don't listen to it, do it. › Take goTest
Who's Your Moderator Twin? (pt. 2) You have the most in common with moderator Hades! › Take goTest
Which Bridgerton are you? Your like Eloise! Your independent, a strong person that is there and knows good from bad. Has their word ready in each situation. Always keep talking to someone you love, no matter if your feeling good or bad, just talk about it so they can hear <3 › Take goTest
goTests created by NiteXshade