Log in with Facebook

To make it easier for you to access your model, you can log in on goSupermodel by using your Facebook account.

I don't see my model/all my models

The reason for not seeing your model could be one of these:

  • You're logged in on someone else's Facebook account. Log in on your account instead!
  • You're not using the same email on goSupermodel and on Facebook. Change your goSupermodel email in your Settings page.
  • You've removed the model from the list by clicking "Not your model?". Undo this in your Settings page.

The models I see are not mine

You're probably logged in on someone else's Facebook account. Open Facebook and log in as you instead.

It's also possible that someone else has registered their model on your email account. If this is the case, click "Not your model?" in the log in pop-up. That model will no longer appear on your list.
