10 latest goTests taken by SOPHIE

See what the 10 latest goTests taken by SOPHIE tell about them.

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Title Result  
Which McDonald's menu item are you? You are the salad. You hate McDonald's and you think that you are soooo much better than other people because you are eating your "healthy salad". I don't even know why you would order a salad at McDonald's. You can literally make a salad at home. › Take goTest
Are you chronically online? Yes you are chronically online. Think about if you want gsm to be your whole life. › Take goTest
What bing chilling is you? Zǎo shang hǎo zhōng guó! Xiàn zài wǒ yǒu BING CHILLING Wǒ hěn xǐ huān BING CHILLING Dàn shì "sù dù yǔ jī qíng jiǔ" bǐ BING CHILLING › Take goTest
What movie character are you? Congrats! you are Jade from brats. jade loves the color black, and has passion for fashion. she loves to read and study, and loves to hang out with her friends › Take goTest
Can you live without music? Yeah, no, you can't. You may start digging your own grave in case you wouldn't be able to listen to music anymore. › Take goTest
Which Hogwarts house do you belong to? Hufflepuff! "You might belong in Hufflepuff where they are just and loyal. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil." › Take goTest
What kind of goSupermodel character are you? You are the social butterfly. You have lots of friends, like to chat in the threads and dress to impress. Keep it up, girlie. XOXO Gossip Girl I guess › Take goTest
goTests created by SOPHIE
Title Description  
› Who Is Your Fictional Bestie? Who would be your fictional BFF, if you existed in the same fictional universe? Take the test and get the answer! › Take goTest