About the club




This club was created to gather the Norwegian community in one place.


When we all heard that goSupermodel was coming back, the feelings of nostalgia were big, but so were the feelings of other old language servers ... what about the old Norwegian community? The community we all know and remember so well. Will it all vanish in the new international space?


To maintain some of what we know and remember from gSm 1.0, the idea about a club was born during the time of the foundraiser to get gSm back. A place where we could hang out, talk, find both new and old friends. A little place for Norwegians to hang out ... and the rest of that is history!


The club has gathered a lot of old and new Norwegian models, and we hope to be the place you want to hang around in! 


Everyone is welcome here, please feel free to share your experiences and connect with new and old Norwegian goModels in the biggest club for Norwegian users on gSm! 





 This club is the second club created on goSupermodel! The first one being the Moderator club, making goSupermodel Norge the first club created by a user.


We have over 3,500 members in this club!


 We host competitions here, so keep your peepers peeled for a chance to win something cool!


 The club is created by Anna. Learn more about our staff on our Meet the team page!